Hero Factory Crossover Wiki

Welcome to the Hero Factory Crossover Wiki!
The wiki of Hero Factory crossovers that anyone can edit!


Welcome to the Hero Factory Crossover Wiki! This is the place for all of your Hero Factory crossovers! We currently have 48 articles, 611 edits, and 0 active users!

You can help by creating an article here:

What is a Hero Factory Crossover?

What is a Hero Factory Crossover? Simply put, you take Lego Hero Factory, and throw something else in. What would it be like if Sonic the Hedgehog met William Furno? Who would win if Preston Stormer and Megatron fought it out? What would it look like if the Green Goblin and Von Nebula teamed up to fight Spider-Man and Natalie Breez? This is the place where you can find out!

How to make a Hero Factory Crossover?

Start a story! Start writing about how Hero Factory and the other universe you are including meet, develop a plot, and make pages for the characters! That's all there is to it! Be sure to follow our Manual of Style (Once it's finished) to make sure your pages are the best they can be!


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