I don't know, this wiki only has two active users and seems to be the recycling can of CHFW opposed to the deletion.
Things to Do
Here is a list of things that need to be done (and who should/could do them):
- Templates (Delta, bub)
- Userboxes (Delta, bub)
- Picking Staff (Shimid)
- Moving Articles (All)
- Creating an MoS (All, as we all know what it takes to make a good wiki)
- Writing Articles (All)
- Recruiting (All)
- Commercial (Oonie)
- MediaWiki Modifications (Optional, Delta knows how)
- Banner/Wordmark/Backgorund/Favicon (Bub)
- Wiki Navigation (Shimid)
- Wiki Labs (Chosing Features, decided by all, done by Shimid)
- Making Articles for Cano HF characters (All)
More will be added as they are though of, and tasks will be removed when completed.
HFCW Ideas
Here are some ideas to help us get this wiki on its feet:
- A Do's and Don'ts of HFCW page/blog post. For a page, it could be titled "Hero Factory Crossover Wiki:The Do's and Don'ts of CHFW". This would be a very simplfied version of any policies, the rules page (See 3), and the MoS. It would allow new members to get a basic idea of things and prepare them to read the actual MoS.
- A shorter/less complicated MoS. This would increase the amount of users that read and follow the MoS.
- A rules page. This would allow us to split the MoS in half, and have rules about spamming, trolling, foul language, etc. This would help us be more organized and more people would read the MoS AND the rules.
- A policy submission page/forum. I saw this on CBW (Or maybe the BW…